BCWC Current Financial Snapshot (FEB 2019)
Hey fabulous witches! Since everyone is an important part of this amazing community, the Org would like to update folks on what is going on. Here’s some info about our financial bottom line. Let’s start with the challenge:
It is important to note that BCWC 2018 incurred a net loss of $4202. Factors included: lower total number of campers, fewer US folks attending and therefore fewer payments in USD (BCWC always has many expenses that must be paid in USD; our USD expenses for 2018 were within our normal range but we did have to pay extra out of our CAN funds to cover those costs). In addition, we had more expenses, such as more First Aid supplies and scent-free cleaning products, increased insurance and storage locker fees.
If you are curious about what we believe led to last year’s financial situation, please email witchcampbcinfo@gmail.com for a detailed 2018 financial statement.
At the same time, we send out huge gratitude and thanks to previous keepers of the $$ who have left us in such good financial shape. BCWC has a financial cushion so we can handle a year like last year and still have a surplus to draw from. However, we cannot continue to incur financial losses each year. With these factors in mind, our aim is to continue making camp accessible to as many as possible, for generations to come.
Looking forward to 2019, Evans Lake has implemented a 10% increase in fees. After crunching the numbers we have trimmed 2.5% off expenses so we still need to pass along a 7.5% increase in fees to campers in order to at least break even. We have set the sliding scale to $725-995 and an early bird fee of $695 in hopes of still attracting lots of amazing people.
We recognize that camp may seem expensive, especially given the high cost of living in the Pacific Northwest. We invite everyone to consider what we receive at camp: all our meals, skilled teachers who travel (sometimes great distances) to co-create the paths and rituals plus share their knowledge with us; and our location!
So, it seems time for some big money magic to help! Whether that means fundraising in your own communities, saving $60 a month instead of $55 to get to camp, promoting camp any way you can or some other brilliant solution, let’s work together to keep camp viable!!! We welcome your ideas and initiatives to sustain our BCWC Reclaiming community.
One additional note of thanks: Donations at camp were very generous this year. Even though camp lost money, the donations that go towards scholarships this year were high. Be assured that we do not use money raised to send witches to camp for offsetting any operating loss.
– The Org
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