Waking under the Willow – Movement Playlist

Dear ones, please use this playlist to awaken slowly into your connection with breath, body, earth, Evans Lake, and our community of Witches. It is intended as a 50 minute morning movement practice. Roll out of bed, attend to your body’s needs, then find yourself horizontal and press play.

Luxuriate in time to ease from stillness to movement … riding breath … softening into earth … easing fluid body around joints … gradually energising and warming micromovements into a more expansive dance with the day.


Let the music support you to envision body in community in place, where the field meets the lake near the weeping willow, surrounded by forest … one breathing, interconnected body of bodies.

I had hoped to offer my voice along with the music, to support our deepening embodied presence with self, and our embodied imagining of the land that holds Witchcamp. Perhaps in time the tech sprites will support that addition. In the meantime, this is for you.

This is my gift to you. Please consider making a donation to BCWC as a thank you.

-Tidal Fox