Hello Beloved Community!
This is an update on our process to create the intention for BCWC Camp 2020. It contains:
- Background/ Changes to Process
- Input Details (Please don’t reply to this. Send to my personal email, below, by 10/21.)
- Summary of Themes from Camp Visioning
If you were at camp this year, you already know this and can skip to the next paragraph. Our process strives to be inclusive and meet the camp’s needs to finalize an intention in time to start promoting next year’s camp and recruit teachers.
We are making a change to meet those needs, make the input process inclusive, and make wordsmithing efficient. Input happened at camp when we did a visioning on the last night at the close of ritual; it was great to do it in the midst of the magic that way! We will also take input in writing from those who couldn’t make it to camp. And this year, a small group of witches will act as the wordsmith-witches and use all that input to craft the intention.
That group includes myself (as teacher liaison member of the org), Willow (continuity teacher), an elder (Maevyn), plus two campers who volunteered for the vision committee in 2018- Syr and Alessandra – as well as Passia, who has been deeply involved with this process for some time. (Beet was originally part of this group and has since redirected her attention to another BCWC effort.) The six of us will craft the intention from your input at the end of October. The org will then get the magic of 2020 going!! This is an experiment. Let’s see how it works.
If you weren’t at camp- or were and have been percolating- please send input to me by email to ellastoryworks@gmail.com by October 21. >> Please put “BC CAMP INTENTION” in the subject line.
The biggest one that came up was Baba Yaga. It was a chorus. Some folks have noted that we had just had a story from Baba Yaga in the ritual and one of the paths had been singing a song from Her myth. Did that sway the visioning? Maybe. And I’ve heard folks say that Baba Yaga has been trying to get back to BC for some time now.
Here are the notes of all the themes. Bold reflects a “big response.”
- Listening
- Honey
- Relentless
- Trust
- Connection
- Gratitude
- Weaving
- Song
- Fire
- Liminal Spaces
- Baba Yaga
- Concent
- Transformatition
- Magic
- Initiation
- Keys
- Crack open to love
- Skulls
- Potential
- Collective Healing
- So much singing
- Community led ritual
- Festival
- Crone council
- Inner Crone
- Youth Council
- Inner Youth
- Bones
- Restoration
- Wisdom from in between
- Deity
- Wild
- Stories
- Mud
- Horses
- Open
- Child’s Curiosity
- Alignment
- Peace
- Inclusion
- Loving Experimentation
- Prosperity
- Humility
- Discomfort
- Dinosaur Aspecting
Blessed be,