Evans Lake


Hello wonderful witches! We want to thank everyone who has committed to attending camp this year! We are so excited to have everyone gather together in magical space once again.  If you have been wondering, “Is camp for me this year?” here are some great reasons to say yes!

  1. We are honoured and privileged to have Aline LaFlamme, Indigenous Elder, present for the entire week of camp this year. For anyone who was fortunate enough to meet Aline last year, you may have experienced the wisdom and presence of this powerful teacher and healer. Feel free to share your experiences with others, and encourage them to join us in August.
  2. This year’s camp will be amazing, building on the deep magic that has been weaving throughout our community over the past few years. Much is shifting and growing, and your presence is needed at this time of great change, both within BCWC and globally.
  3. Camp is at a crossroads in terms of financial sustainability. Please promote to everyone you know who would benefit from attending. Be prepared to discuss solutions for continuing to host future camps at our All Campers Meeting this year. It’s an exciting time to add your voice and vision to the mix.


Do you know someone that might enjoy camp? You can invite them using our web form from the BCWC website.
If your friend signs up for camp, you’ll receive a special witchy gift!

Myceliumly yours

Jade, Marie, Prism, Russell and Synnove (The Org)

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