Sustaining the Witches’ Healing Flame
Join BrightFlame to sense and reinforce the Witches’ Flame in you. An extension of our work through this year, we’ll find ways to sustain the flame as we move about the world. We’ll assess the level of the triple flame we hold, and assure it is fully embodied and sustainable. BrightFlame will share the way she’s adapted her personal practice to energize her three flames and use them to feed world-changing magic.
Teacher: BrightFlame (she/they) jumped into Reclaiming in 1995 and loves co-weaving the web of our evolving tradition. She’s co-founded Reclaiming communities, offered core classes, taught and priestexxed at Witchcamps, and offered workshops with her own blend of magic. She writes speculative fiction and lives on unceded Lenape land among sassafras, oak and hickory.
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