Grounding while Moving

Learn ancient sacred circle dances from Eastern Europe, West Asia (aka the Balkans). These ancient dances are encoded mandalas of healing. Learn womens’ style dances with smaller grounded steps that emphasize our connection to the earth. These dances are done in standing, usually holding hands. Participation from a chair is available. Be prepared to press the earth gently with balls of feet and take small steps to right or left. Bringing a candle to light before dancing is optional. There may be times to write in a journal so bring a journal and pen. Wearing a long skirt is requested (ankle length preferred). No one is turned away without a skirt :).

Teacher: Mignon

Zoom Link:

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Meeting ID: 960 0027 7285
Passcode: 726722
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Additional Info: Mignon Rook has been dancing sacred circle dances since 1999. She has attended numerous workshops since then and in 2019 completed a 2 year intensive on Womens’ Ritual Dances with Laura Shannon. Her other circle dance love is Bach Flower Remedy Dances choreographed by Anastasia Geng

The event is finished.


May 16 2021


11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Phoenix
  • Date: May 16 2021
  • Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Optional Offering
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