
As memories of hot summer days fade from view, trees turn, and rains fall we have begun our journey into the dark joining Vasilisa as she enters the Baba Yaga’s dark forest. We are leaving behind the life we have known, and like Vasilisa we will need courage, grace and wisdom to help us along the way. Vasilisa held a secret in her pocket, a doll, crafted and gifted to her by her mother who had infused it with all her love and wisdom to guide Vasilisa. We will gather in sacred space, invite our guides and wisdom keepers, and fashion our own doll to carry the wisdom of our ancestors of blood, craft and spirit to guide us through this next arc of our story.

Teacher: Medwyn McConachy

Additional info:  Bring a piece of old clothing/tea towel/sheet/pillowcase you are willing to cut up and use for your doll. This could be something of yours, or a hand-me-down from ancestors of blood/spirit/craft. If you sew bring needles and thread, we will need scissors and other scraps of fabric, bits of wool/string/thick thread. Other options – buttons, twigs, dry flower heads, shells, seeds/grains of rice/quinoa/millet.

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The event is finished.


Nov 15 2020


12:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Phoenix
  • Date: Nov 15 2020
  • Time: 1:00 pm
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