Equinox Ritual – We Carry Forth the Witches’ Healing Flame
From Baba Yaga’s house we carry the flame of initiation through the dark woods. The witches’ healing flame lives in us and we carry it back to the community hearth fire.
Intention: We carry forth the witches’ healing flame.
Additional Info: Please bring a candle (the one from the last ritual if it’s available or a new one is fine too) and a means of lighting it. We will also be visioning for the coming year’s camp as well.
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96122634331?pwd=eVQweTIyWGJmZnJyYVc3R2xCbXVnZz09
Meeting ID: 961 2263 4331
Passcode: 426537
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Meeting ID: 961 2263 4331
Passcode: 426537
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