Imbolc Ritual

Intention: With Brigid as our Midwife, we dream in the womb of the goddess.

In this ritual, you will be invited to take a bath (camera on or off – your choice). That might happen in a bathtub, shower, hot tub, cup of tea, foot bath (be able to submerge some part of your body in water). Tub recommended!

Please bring:

  • A candle. If you have Bridgid’s flame and water, please bring those
  • Lighter
  • Candle holder
  • An outfit that makes you feel pleasure.
  • Water to drink
  • Scents for you! (Bubble bath, bath oils) We will prepare our tubs/foot baths etc,  during the ritual so the water stays hot!
  • Prepare a flat surface far enough away from the body of water so if your technology falls over it won’t land in water

Please note: You are your own tub authority! Get out if you need to!

Optional: Rock The Forge! Dance party post ritual

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 826 0698 2901
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Meeting ID: 826 0698 2901
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The event is finished.


Feb 01 2021


6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Singapore
  • Date: Feb 02 2021
  • Time: 10:30 am - 1:00 pm
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