PLEASE NOTE! Due to technical difficulties, this recording starts about 20 minutes in.
This is what occurred prior to the recording:
We grounded from heart downward and outward and from hara/belly upward and outward. We faced each direction and invited ancestral guidance in service of the personal and world work we undertake through the story of Baba Yaga, Vassalisa, and the doll of lineage and intuition. Each of us is free to seek relationship with the lineage of our choice, be it of blood, culture, vocation, affinity, Craft… Some of us may be clear about what we seek/need/offer, some of us may be in a relationship with not knowing.
Supported by music we trance lightly in movement or stillness, connecting with those parts of our lineage from which we seek guidance in this time of momentous change, how to face this great unknown, in devoted service to what we love and long for.
Trance music is here: